Try it now for free, ask Sales for a full featured trial or download the demo version and user manual right now!
MOM (Music Operations Manager) is the best Music Scheduling Software for your radio station. Easy-to-use, versatile, and remarkably inexpensive!
Some of MOM's features…
- Fast, accurate log generation
- Unlimited number of Music Categories
- Unlimited number of Hour Clocks
- Unlimited number of Songs
- Song Histories — plays per month for the last 11 months and the last 100 plays of each song
- Completely flexible user definable Music Log printouts
- Only $119 buyout, the best price in the industry!
- Completely flexible user definable Music Library printouts
- Vertical Separation of Artists up to 999 minutes
- Vertical separation of Separation Categories up to 99 minutes
- Horizontal Separation of up to four days
- A different day clock for every day of the week and a different week clock for every special occasion
- Up to 39 Separation Categories. We promise that if you can clearly explain why you need more, we'll increase it and give you the new version for free!
- Packets support playing multiple songs as one for even more flexible scheduling
- Prevent any Separation Category from following any other Separation Category
- Prevent songs from the same CD from playing back-to-back
- Customizable Music Log Reject Order (prioritizes the order of the rules used for rejecting songs)
- Speed-keys to help speed up your data entry process
- View Music Library by order played, artist name, last name, song title or song length in either forward or reverse order
- Automatically move a song in and out of rotation on your schedule.
- Automatically move a song to a new category on a date in the future.
- Export and import music categories to exchange with other users
- Add free form notes to any song
MOM exports to many Automation systems:
- Digilink
- Ots Juke DJ
- WaveStation
- Raduga
- DRS 2006
- WinAmp
- Scott Systems
- AirControl NT
- Maestro
- Audio Vault
- Dalet Automation
- Format Sentry
- Generic .M3U or .MP3 list
If yours isn't here, ask and we'll probably add it within a day or three.
MOM's Music Log Editor features
- Easily insert/delete/replace songs and stopsets
- Instantly swap the position of any two songs
- One key locates the next play of a song
- One key displays the last 100 plays of the current song
- Highlight all the plays of any one song
- Highlight all the songs from one Music or Separation Category
- View music filtered by separation category
- Completely user-definable display format
- One key toggles the display of stop sets to let you see more music per screen
And a lot our free demo to see for yourself!
Need More? Download the manual here.
If you have any questions regarding MOM 3.31 or would like to purchase MOM for your station, please call Extrasensory Software between 10:00AM and 4:30PM (Pacific Time) at (310) 478-4092 or e-mail Sales.
Once you have tried MOM, you'll never want to be without her!
Copyright © 1990, 2023 Extrasensory Software. All rights reserved.