What is BroPLUS:
BroPLUS is a Database Browse Utility exploiting the advanced Features of Clipper 5's TBrowse Object to easily set up Views into xBase-type Databases. A total DBU Replacement, it allows for Multiple Select Areas and is Network ready. It's many Options can be explored from Pulldown Menus. Hot-Keys are available for quick Access to most Options. Built-in FlexFile Data Access is provided. BroPlus supports the standard database drivers, the Six Driver, Comix and the Advantage database drivers. These include DBFNTX, DBFNDX, DBFMDX, DBFCDX, COMIX, SIXNTX, SIXCDX, SIXNSX, SIXMDX, DBFNTXAX and DBFCDXAX
Possible Uses for BroPLUS:
Developers, Consultants:
Quick Access to Databases during Application Development and Testing. Verify/Modify/Print Content and Structure of Database/Index Files on the fly.
Creation of Database System Prototypes, including Creation of Test data.
Use as an analytical Tool while getting familiar with an already implemented Database Application System.
Housekeeping Tasks not provided in a Custom Database Application, like Recreation of Index Files, verifying Database Content after a System Crash, verifying Index File Integrity, ad hoc Creation of Database Listings, etc.
Setting up of highly customized Views into a Client's Databases in Minutes, without programming. Those Views can easily be made available to the End User from an Application Program's Menu.
The RunTime Library included with BroPLUS allows for Creation of royalty-free RunTime versions of BroPLUS to be installed at Client sites. BroPLUS RunTime is a slightly limited version of BroPLUS. View files created by the developer can be restored by the RunTime module and made available to the end user.
End Users:
Because of it's menu driven interface, BroPLUS is easily accessible to end users. Adequate protection is provided to guarantee Database System Integrity and prevent end users from modifying data without authorization.
A basic knowledge of xBase is required to fully exploit the more advanced options of BroPLUS, such as ability to specify valid expression syntax.